
Digital drawing, inkjet print, 100 x 150 cm, 2017

Possession of land is one of the main topic and taboo around the Armeno-Turkish conflict.

« Agos » is a representation of my master thesis (The Role of Art in Improving Relations Between Armenians and Turks, 2017), where each word has been hidden, covered by a 50% gray-blue rectangle.

The title takes its name from Hrant Dink’s bilingual (Armenian-Turkish) weekly newspaper made to create a dialogue between the two populations. The journalist had been constantly censored and threatened by the nationalist government in power before he was murdered in 2007. 

The drawing creates a landscape with its rhythms, aggregates, and wrinkles. Like a gigantic, and silent graphic score, "furrows" emerge: «Agos» in Turkish

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Arek Kouyoumdjian 2012-2023